Marie-Frédérique & Marc-André – Better together…même en pandémie

During this Pandemic, as many of you, I have struggled with many mixed emotions.

With approximately 80% of our business being shut down since March, you can imagine that things have been….challenging.

Perhaps one of the more difficult elements to cope with, which is normally a big part of our weekly routine, is the lack of being with people, sharing laughs, hugs, tears & joy. As a wedding photographer & documentarian of emotions, capturing these moments is like a drug for us. Since the pandemic has started, it almost feels as though I am in rehab, with my emotional drug taken away from me.

One of the very first things that I did when the pandemic started was to offer free photography for couples and families just so I could see people together again, to get a small dose of my drug. But over the summer, many of the small weddings that we did, people were still fearful of Covid, and lots of social distancing occurred.

Then, September 12th rolled around, 6 months after the pandemic started, at which point we all knew a little more about Covid and who it really affects, and we were invited to photograph a wedding, A wedding where smart and educated people decided to embrace life the way we are supposed to, the way we are meant to.

Thank you Marie-Frédérique & Marc-André for restoring my faith in humanity and faith in our necessity to be together as people 🙂

Montreal Wedding Photography

de Belle photography

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